You can have a thriving business online, and a beautiful life offline.

We’re over the hustle.

We’re over the idea that harder is better. The flashy flaunting of busy.

Here we build SOFT businesses.

I teach women how to build a SOFT business that is meaningful, impactful, and profitable.

If you love to work hard, but you’re over the boss babe hustle culture; if you’re tired of empty promises of success without substance; if you want grounded, balanced, people-centered mentorship to grow a SOFT business of your own—you’re in the right place.

Ready to build a SOFT business
of your own?

Here are a few places to start.

Instant Access Classes

A little tough love…

If you are trying to launch, grow, or scale your business, and you haven’t done the work of building a SOFT business, you’re wasting a lot of your precious time. You’re working hard at the wrong things. I know because I used to be the one dishing out trendy tips like band-aids for broken businesses.

Not doing this work means you’re building your business on shaky ground.

It might work for a little while.

But then it won’t. And you’ll have lost a lot of time and be left with a business without a vision or a sustainable future.

I want you to have a thriving business online. And a beautiful life offline. I believe it’s absolutely possible to have both. And I absolutely believe in you.

xo. Molly

This is what no one is telling you:

We aren’t getting to the root of the problem.

I have seen businesses flounder and often fail because of the lack of clarity on three things:

  • Our stories and experiences have shaped who we are and the work we want to do in the world. It gives us clarity and grounding in our business, keeps us going when it’s hard, and helps us understand the why behind our work . Knowing your story and having someone guide you to understanding how it impacts your business changes your perspective on everything.

  • The internet is crowded and noisy. How do you stand out? What makes you different and memorable? What do you stand for?

  • A roadmap that is grounded in smart, strategic work while also valuing rest, creativity, and rejuvenation that comes from prioritizing our offline lives, as well.

I want something different for you.

The women who work with me aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and dig in. They have tenacity. They work hard at their business, then shut it all down and live— fully present—in their offline life. That’s the beauty of a SOFT business. It values both. And I want both for you. An impactful and profitable business, and freedom for all the other things that fill your cup.

I’m not here to sell you a program full of empty promises. I’m here to help you uncover and own your story, to give you permission to find freedom in every day, and to help you build a balanced, smart strategy for the business you’ve always dreamed of.

This is the beauty of a SOFT business.

A few things just for you…

Here are a few resources I created to get you started on the path to a SOFT business and a SOFT life.

The SOFT Business

If you’re new to the idea of SOFT or you feel the burnout creeping in, start here. This 30-page workbook will walk you through the SOFT business method and give you meaningful questions for reflection and realignment with your goals. It also includes my weekly SOFT business planning page. This little workbook is packed full of goodness.

Instagram Content

If you’re putting content up on Instagram because you’ve got “posting guilt” or “just need to get something up there”, then this guide is going to be a game changer. Inside I teach you my simple formula for weekly content and practical examples of how to use it. AND I threw in 30 post prompts that will help you connect and go deeper with your Instagram community.

As seen in

“Molly speaks wisdom and truth in the gentlest of ways, breathing life into small business women.”

— Jen A.


Soft is the new strong.

Soft is the new strong.